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The Arshile Gorky Foundation continues to research and review works for possible inclusion in the Arshile Gorky Catalogue Raisonné. If you have not yet been contacted by the Foundation and own a work by Gorky that is not included in the current installment of the catalogue raisonné, we would be grateful to receive information about the object in your collection. To submit a work for possible inclusion in the catalogue, please download and complete the Description of Artwork Form. In addition to this form, we also ask that owners provide copies of letters, invoices, and other documentation as well as a high-resolution digital image (minimum quality 300 d.p.i.) of the work. The completed questionnaire and supplementary material should be sent to the Foundation's office or by email to

Please be assured that all information will be kept in strict confidence. Sending and receipt of the Description of Artwork Form does not guarantee that a work will be included in the Arshile Gorky ongoing catalogue raisonné prorject or any resulting publication.


Owners of works purported to be by Arshile Gorky may apply to the Gorky Foundation’s Catalogue Raisonné Committee for an examination of their work. For the Foundation to consider the examination, please download and review our Catalogue Raisonné Examination Procedures. The next examination meeting will take place in New York in spring 2025.

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